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Fairbanks Office

Joseph Welch, M.S.

Senior Scientist

Joseph Welch, M.S.

  • Terrestrial Ecology (especially mammalian)

  • Spatial Ecology

  • GIS

  • Wildlife Nutrition

  • Raptor Ecology

Joe has a diverse background in terrestrial and aquatic ecology. He has contributed to many field studies, including aerial and ground-based raptor surveys, aerial caribou surveys, aquatic furbearer studies, seal surveys, bear genetics and stable isotope studies, and waterfowl breeding surveys.

Prior to joining ABR, Joe also studied small mammals, trout, cougars, meso-carnivores, and moose. Joe received his Bachelor's degree in wildlife ecology and management from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and his M.S. in wildlife biology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Select Publications
  • Welch, J. H., P. S. Barboza, S. Farley, and D. E. Spralinger. 2015. Nutritional value of habitat for Moose on urban and military lands. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.

  • Sformo, T. L., B. Adams, J. C. Seigle et al. 2017. Observations and first reports of saprolegniosis in Aanaakłiq, broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus), from the Colville River near Nuiqsut, Alaska. Polar Science 14: 78–82.

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