Fairbanks Office

Senior Scientist
Julie P. Parrett, B.S.
Aerial and ground survey techniques
Behavioral ecology
Bird migration
Julie Parrett has worked on a variety of projects including waterfowl and loon aerial surveys, ground-based surveys of tundra-nesting birds, behavioral studies of waterfowl and Yellow-billed Loons nesting near oilfields, and bird collision assessment studies near powerlines and wind turbines. She has also contributed to demographic studies of several species of owls in Alaska (Snowy owl) and the lower 48 (Long-earred owl). In addition to waterfowl and raptor work, Julie has been involved with mammalian studies such as ice-based bowhead whale censuses, aerial surveys for marine mammals, aerial caribou surveys, and observations of arctic fox at den sites.
Select Publications
Shook, J. E., J. P. Parrett, and A. K. Prichard. 2015. Post-construction mortality monitoring at the Eva Creek Wind Energy Project, 2013–2014. Report prepared for Golden Valley Electric Association, Fairbanks, AK, by ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services, Fairbanks, AK.
Parrett, J. P., and R. H. Day. 2009. Bird migration through the Central Tanana River Valley, Alaska: analysis of data gaps with regard to potential impacts of wind-energy development in Interior Alaska. Unpublished report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fairbanks, AK, by ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services, Fairbanks, AK. 78 pp.
Parrett, J. P., A. Wildman, and C. B. Johnson. 2008. Using evidence found at the nest to judge nest fate for Yellow-billed Loons (Gavia adamsii). Presentation given at the 13th Alaska Bird Conference, March 3–7, 2008, Fairbanks, AK.
Parrett, J. P., C. B. Johnson, P. S. Seiser, and C. L. Rea. Using time-lapse cameras to document nest predators and behavioural interactions at Spectacled Eider nests. Poster presented at the 3rd North American Seaduck Conference, November 10–14, 2008, Quebec City.