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Fairbanks Office

Alexander K. Prichard, M.S.

Senior Scientist

Alexander K. Prichard, M.S.

  • Caribou biology

  • Statistical analysis

  • Mammalogy

Alex Prichard has conducted field research and statistical analyses on a wide variety of wildlife species in Alaska, including caribou, reindeer, moose, bear, marine mammals, waterfowl, and seabirds. In addition to his M.S. in wildlife biology, Alex has an M.S. in statistics, and one of his duties at ABR is to assist other biologists on research design and statistical analyses. His skills include ecological modeling, analysis of telemetry data, and GIS. 

Select Publications
  • Prichard, A. K. et al. 2020. Interchange and Overlap Among Four Adjacent Arctic Caribou Herds. The Journal of Wildlife Management 1-17.

  • Prichard, A. K., B. E. Lawhead, E. A. Lenert, and J. H. Welch. 2020. Caribou Distribution and Movements in a Northern Alaska Oilfield. Journal of Wildlife Management 1–17. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21932

  • Prichard et al. 2019. Aerial survey and telemetry data analysis of a peripheral calving area in northwestern Alaska. Rangifer 39(1): 34–59

  • Prichard, A. K., D. A. Yokel, C. L. Rea, B. T. Person, and L. S. Parrett. 2014. The effect of frequency of telemetry locations on movement-rate calculations in arctic Caribou. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:78–88. <DOI:10.1002/wsb.357>

  • Prichard, A. K., K. Joly, and J. Dau. 2012. Quantifying telemetry collar bias when age is unknown: a simulation study with a long-lived ungulate. Journal of Wildlife Management 76(7): 1441–1449.

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