Renewable Energy
ABR has assisted with wildlife issues for the renewable energy industries since the 1980s, and we are recognized leaders in this sector. Our broad range of experience in support of wind, solar, and hydropower energy generation projects, and associated infrastructure, enables us to anticipate wildlife-energy conflicts and design effective impact solutions. We use statistically rigorous analyses to assess the spatial and temporal movement patterns of birds and bats, model collision hazard and fatality estimates at wind turbines, meteorological towers, transmission lines, solar facilities, and similar structures. Some of our key services include:
Surveys and risk assessments for birds and bats (e.g., surveys to determine avian and bat use, surveys of raptor/eagle nests, collision risk models, post-construction fatality monitoring)
Endangered, Threatened, and sensitive species surveys (e.g., Marbled Murrelet, Hawaiian Petrel, and Newell’s Shearwater)
Land-based and offshore wildlife impact assessments
Bird, bat, and eagle conservation plans
Radar and visual studies of avian and bat movements
Radar and visual surveys and risk assessment for endangered seabirds (e.g., Marbled Murrelet, Hawaiian Petrel, and Newell’s Shearwater)
Comprehensive ecological land surveys incorporating vegetation, wetlands, and wildlife habitat mapping in one study process
Systematic literature review and independent analysis of studies
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