Anchorage Office

Senior Scientist
John C. Seigle, M.S.
Estuarine & stream ecology
Fisheries biology
Fish age & growth
John has over 20 years of experience in fresh and saltwater fisheries science, from project management and teaching to laboratory research and field work. He is a leader of ABR's Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences program in Alaska. John is involved in North Slope fisheries projects, including work at the oilfields, on the Colville River, and near Teshekpuk Lake. In addition to fish capture and tagging, he is monitoring populations and their movements.
Prior to joining ABR, he investigated alternative and complimentary survey methodologies to NMFS traditional trawl surveys for rockfish abundance off the west coast of the United States. He also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Gabon, Africa, where he helped subsistence farmers design and build fish ponds for tilapia.
John received his Master's of Science in fisheries science from Oregon State University. His graduate thesis concerns the migratory life history of least cisco of arctic Alaska. In the field as a graduate student he learned traditional fishing techniques from Iñupiat elders and used those techniques to obtain samples. He later used microchemistry techniques to determine strontium content in otoliths of lake-caught specimens, thus allowing him to chart migratory behavior.
Select Publications
Sformo, T. L., B. Adams, J. C. Seigle et al. 2017. Observations and first reports of saprolegniosis in Aanaakłiq, broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus), from the Colville River near Nuiqsut, Alaska. Polar Science 14: 78–82.
Logerwell, E. A. et al. 2015. Fish communities across a spectrum of habitats in the western Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea. Progress in Oceanography 136: 115–132.