Fairbanks Office

Senior Scientist
Matthew J. Macander, M.S.
Remote Sensing
Landscape Change Detection
Spatial Modeling
Vegetation Studies
Snow Studies
Time Series and Phenology Studies
Ecological Land Mapping
Matt is a geographer specializing in wildlife, vegetation and habitat studies, and landscape ecology. He leads ABR's remote sensing group and has over 18 years of mapping experience in Alaska. His expertise includes vegetation and habitat mapping, spectral analysis, image classification, and spatial modeling. He works with a diverse array of aerial and satellite imagery and employs time-series analysis to characterize vegetation phenology and landscape change. Matt is experienced with quantitative vegetation sampling, field spectroscopy, GPS surveying, and electronic data capture. He also conducts snow studies including field surveys, snow distribution modeling, and mapping of snow cover and snow depth.
Select Publications
Wells, A. F., T. Christopherson, G. V. Frost, M. J. Macander, S. L. Ives, R. W. McNown, and E. K. Johnson. 2021. Ecological land survey and soils inventory for Katmai National Park and Preserve, 2016–2017. Natural Resource Report NPS/KATM/NRR—2021/2298. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. https://doi.org/10.36967/nrr-2287466.
Frost, G. V., R. A. Loehman, L. B. Saperstein, M. J. Macander, P. R. Nelson, D. P. Paradis, and S. M. Natali. 2020. Multi-decadal patterns of vegetation succession after tundra fire on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Environmental Research Letters 15:025003. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab5f49
Whitley, M. A., G. V. Frost, M. T. Jorgenson, M. J. Macander, C. V. Maio, and S. G. Winder. 2018. Assessment of LiDAR and spectral techniques for high-resolution mapping of sporadic permafrost on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Remote Sensing 10:258
Wells A. F., G. V. Frost, T. Christopherson, M. J. Macander, and E. R. Trainor. 2016. Ecological land survey and soil landscapes map for Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, Alaska, 2014. National Park Service. Fort Collins, CO.
Macander, M. J., C. S. Swingley, K. Joly, and M. K. Raynolds. 2015. Landsat-based snow persistence map for northwest Alaska. Remote Sensing of Environment 163: 23–31.
Nelson, P. R., C. Roland, M. J. Macander, and B. McCune. 2013. Detecting continuous lichen abundance for mapping winter Caribou forage at landscape spatial scales. Remote Sensing of Environment 137: 43–54.