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Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Management of Caribou Collar Telemetry Data

ABR will use our caribou database system to process Western Arctic Herd (WAH), Teshekpuk (TCH), and Central Arctic (CAH) caribou collar data for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) through June 2025 (five years). We will manage and refine this automated database system to keep it running effectively, update the location data daily, add other data such as calving and fall composition data as requested, and ensure the database is secure and accessible to approved personnel. In the first year of the contract, ABR will integrate CAH telemetry and observational data (captures, parturition, postcalving, radio tracking, and mortality). During the first year we will also perform a herd interchange analysis on all three herds, plus the Porcupine Caribou Herd, for which ADF&G will provide telemetry data. Additionally, at some point during the contract, to be determined by ADF&G, ABR will integrate the WAH caribou collar data into the database system currently storing Teshekpuk (TCH) and Central Arctic herd (CAH) collar data. After this is complete, there will be one comprehensive caribou telemetry system to maintain, improving efficiency and reducing overall costs for managing Alaska caribou telemetry data.

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