ABR sponsored the Interior Alaska Science Fair again in 2022, where Senior Scientist Sue Bishop selected two projects for special awards in wildlife biology or environmental science. One of the awards went to teacher Karen Marquez's 4th-grade class at University Park Elementary, for their project on lynx. The project involved a road-killed lynx that was salvaged and turned into a learning opportunity (including dissection) for the entire class. This photo from the awards ceremony shows Marquez and one of her students. The second ABR award went to 3rd-grader Savannah Palmer of Weller Elementary, for her very scientific investigation of moose poop.
ABR is always thrilled to help Alaska's youth experience the joys of scientific investigation and experimentation. Winning students will be recognized at the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District meeting tomorrow, April 19, 5:30 pm.
Join the meeting via Zoom or visit the Interior Alaska Science Fair webpage to learn more about the program.