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North Slope Avian Surveys

North Slope Avian Surveys

ABR's avian team, led by Rebecca McGuire, has been busy on Alaska's North Slope! They continued to study the effects of two oil development projects on North Slope bird populations, with Kristen Rozell and the eider crew completing their 5th and final year of King Eider monitoring, using aerial surveys to assess broad-scale distribution and abundance and using ground-based monitoring to examine habitat use, nest density, and survival.

Julie Parrett also conducted aerial surveys for Yellow-billed Loons to study distribution and breeding success of loons near oilfield infrastructure, and Lauren Attanas and the shorebird crew continued documenting shorebird distribution, abundance, habitat associations, and nesting success in the Willow project area. This was the first construction year of the study to assess how development and environmental factors influence bird populations and nest survival.


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